Tag: Paris
Kiosques en fête (June 2023)
Tracks from AfuriKo’s latest album Tao (2019) were aired on Radio Robert on April 27 and May 22, 2020. The Parisian station, created during the COVID-19 pandemic and operated by the team at 59 Rivoli (a venue known for its exhibitions, performances, and artists-in-residence programs) offers playlists and podcasts. Their daily jazz show “Jazz non scientifiquement prouvé, la playlist du Pr Raoult” airs at 7PM GMT+2.
🇫🇷 “À l’image de la pochette du disque, un yin et un yang aux couleurs chamarrées d’un papillon ou d’un boubou, Tao marie l’Afrique, l’Asie et l’Occident dans un joyeux melting pot de notes et de rythmes.”
Bob Hatteau, Jazz à bâbord/Improjazz
🇬🇧 “Just like the CD cover, a colorful yin-yang symbol reminiscent of a butterfly or a boubou dress, Tao blends African, Asian, and Western influences in a joyous melting pot of notes and rhythms.”
AfuriKo was invited to perform live on Jazzbox, a weekly program hosted by jazz lover Jacques Thévenet and aired every Saturday from 5 to 6pm on Aligre FM. This multicultural radio station was established in 1981 in the “quartier d’Aligre,” a historical working-class neighbourhood of the 12th arrondissement of Paris. Its mission statement is to “create and develop social and cultural links,” and many of its programs highly value notions such as freedom of speech, respect of human rights, and equality.
On the Far Side interview: JazzActu.tv
🇫🇷 “Une musique qui respire, pulse, bifurque, badine. Inclassable et jouée avec une exquise délicatesse, au détour d’improvisations sournoises. Élaborée et à la fois sincère et spontanée. AfuriKo est en principe un duo absolument atypique. … À découvrir d’urgence et à y entrer doucement.”
🇬🇧 “Music that breathes, pulsates, bifurcates, trifles. That is unclassifiable and played with exquisite delicacy, in the course of sly improvisations. Elaborate yet sincere and spontaneous all the while. AfuriKo is in essence an absolutely atypical duo. … I urge you to discover them and slowly enter their world.”
– M. M., Afrique Asie