articles & reviews

Tao album review: Jazz à bâbord / Improjazz

Review of AfuriKo’s Tao album (2019) on Jazz à bâbord. French critic Bob Hatteau’s blog features album reviews, artist interviews, and covers live jazz shows occurring in and around Paris. The article (PDF version here) was also featured in the October 2019 issue of a magazine published by Improjazz, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and distributing improvised musics and all kinds of jazz.

🇫🇷 “À l’image de la pochette du disque, un yin et un yang aux couleurs chamarrées d’un papillon ou d’un boubou, Tao marie l’Afrique, l’Asie et l’Occident dans un joyeux melting pot de notes et de rythmes.”
🇬🇧 “Just like the CD cover, a colorful yin-yang symbol reminiscent of a butterfly or a boubou dress, Tao blends African, Asian, and Western influences in a joyous melting pot of notes and rhythms.”

Bob Hatteau, Jazz à bâbord/Improjazz