articles & reviews

Tao album review: Festival Peak

“In AfuriKo’s enchanting world, music opens up to every kind of interpretation.”

Review of AfuriKo’s third studio album Tao by “Jazz Medium” Carol Banks Weber on Festival Peak (February 2019), a blog with “words about experiencing music.” Carol uses her heightened awareness, hyper-empathic qualities, and true fondness of jazz to write vivid accounts of what she sees, hears, and feels when listening to music.

🇬🇧 “AfuriKo’s new music really flies in the face of jazz, opening up your ears to a world of possibilities.”

🇫🇷 “Défiant l’essence même du jazz, la nouvelle musique d’AfuriKo ouvrira vos oreilles à un monde de possibilités.”

Carol Banks Weber, Festival Peak

🇬🇧 “Tao taps into a prism of rhythmically diverse jazz fusion.”

🇫🇷 “Tao puise dans un prisme jazz fusion d’une grande diversité rythmique.”

Carol Banks Weber, Festival Peak